Write a program to find sum of 10 to 20 numbers.

Write a program to find sum of 10 to 20 numbers. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int   i, sum=0; for(i=10; i<=20;i++) { sum=sum+i; } printf(“%d”,sum); getch(); }     Output:   165


Practical List Of Visual Basic

Write a Program to calculate the salary of employee.-CLICK HERE


Write a program to create a menu to perform arthimetic operations using menu control array. .-CLICK HERE


Write a Program to perform all arithmetic operation. .-CLICK HERE



Write a program to Print the result of   student with total marks and  percentage. .-CLICKHERE



Write VB program that collect marks for five different subjects & total. .-CLICK HERE



Write VB program that counts no of characters & no of words entered in textbox. .-CLICK HERE


Write VB program that moves image left or right using click event. .-CLICK HERE



Write VB program to check inputed string is palindrome or not. .-CLICK HERE



Write VB program to convert  give number into word format. .-CLICK HERE



Write VB program to convert entered text in bold , italic , underline. .-CLICK HERE



Write VB program to find multiplication table using dynamic array & Preserve keyword. .-CLICK HERE



Write VB program to find multiplication table using dynamic array.-CLICKHERE



Write VB program to find octal , hexadecimal , binary of given decimal number. .-CLICK HERE



Write VB program to swap the contents of variables using Pass by reference. .-CLICK HERE


