
Showing posts from June 1, 2020

Creat and insert using pie-chart

Creat and insert using pie-chart

Create Marksheet of student in Excel sheet.

  Create Marksheet   of student in Excel sheet.

Show the use of sum average ,mode ,median ,max, min,count function of the following data.

  Show the use of sum average ,mode ,median ,max, min,count   function of the following data.

Create an Insert the image in MS-Word .

Create an Insert   the   image in MS-Word .

Write varies types of printer using smartart option in MS- power point.

Write varies types of printer using smartart option in MS- power point.

Insert clipart in MS-Power point.

Insert clipart in MS-Power point.

Create population table in MS-Powter point.

Create population table in MS-Powter point.

Paragraph formatting and page setup.

Paragraph formatting and page setup. Windows operating system Microsoft windows family consist of various graphical user interface (GUI) – based operating systems. Since GUI based interfaces are more user friendly compared to the CUI V- based interface,   the operating system of the windows family are great demand. The most popular windows operating system currently in use are windows , windows   windows NT and windows. Advantages of windows operating system Microsoft has made several advancement and changes that have made it much easier to use operating system .there is much larger selection of available software program windows can run on nearly any   processer.

Create time table in MS-word BCA 1st sem timetable.

Create time table in MS-word BCA 1 st sem timetable.

Create a sells report in using table in MS-word.

Create a sells report in using table in MS-word.

Create block diagram of computer.

Create block diagram of computer.

Using MS-Word write Generation of computer using different types of bulets .

Using MS-Word write   Generation of computer using different types of bulets . ·      GENERATION OF COMPUTER   v   1st generation of computer Ø   Used around 18000 vaccumre tubes . Ø   Memory capacity is about 15000 character. Ø   Speed is few instruction per second   v 2nd   generation of computer Ø   It used transistors. Ø   It use binary and assembly language . Ø   High leval language are also used rarely .   v   3rd generation of computer Ø   It used IC Ø   It is having primary memory and secondary memory. Ø   Range in few megabytes   v   4th GENERATION OF COMPUTER Ø   It is uses LSR, VLSI, ULSI. Ø   It uses a microprocessor. Ø   It uses binary, assembly and high level language   Ø   5 th GENERATION OF COMPUTER Ø   Operator or parallel processing . Ø   It also uses ULSI . Ø   Best on ...

Create a paragraph and make it bold ,italic and underline.

Create a paragraph and make it bold ,italic and underline.   Microsoft windows family consist of various graphical user interface (GUI) – based operating systems. Since GUI based interfaces are more user friendly compared to the CUI V- based interfaces ,   the operating system of the windows family are great demand. The most popular windows operating system currently in use are windows 95,windows   98 wiudows NT and windows 2000 .

Part of computer .

  Part of computer .

Create a folder RCC in my document .

Create   a folder RCC in my document .