Write a program to find sum of 10 to 20 numbers.

Write a program to find sum of 10 to 20 numbers. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int   i, sum=0; for(i=10; i<=20;i++) { sum=sum+i; } printf(“%d”,sum); getch(); }     Output:   165


Practical list of C-Programing

·      Write a program to find area of circle.-CLICK HERE


·      Write a program for call by reference. .-CLICK HERE


·      Write a program for call by value. .-CLICK HERE



·      Write a program to check the entered number is even or odd. -CLICK HERE



·      Write a program for factorial of a number. -CLICK HERE


·                Write a program to find function with argument     and return type. -CLICK HERE


·      Write a program to find greatest of three number. -CLICK HERE



·      Write a program to find weather the entered number is positive negative or zero. -CLICK HERE


·      Write a program for swapping of a number-CLICK HERE

·      Write a program for reverse number. -CLICK HERE


·      Write a program of function with no argument and no return type. -CLICK HERE

·      Write a program to check the entered number is armstrong or not. -CLICK HERE


·      Write a program to find palindrom number. -CLICK HERE

          ·   Write a program to find sum of 10 to 20 numbers. -         CLICK HERE

