Write VB program to convert give number into word format.

Write VB program to convert  give number into word format.

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim Word(10) As String * 6

Dim L As Integer

Dim I As Integer

Dim N As Integer

Word(0) = "Zero"

Word(1) = "One"

Word(2) = "Two"

Word(3) = "Three"

Word(4) = "Four"

Word(5) = "Five"

Word(6) = "Six"

Word(7) = "Seven"

Word(8) = "Eight"

Word(9) = "Nine"

L = Len(Text1)

For I = 1 To L

    N = Val(Mid(Text1, I, 1))

    Label3 = Label3 &Word(N)

Next I

End Sub

