Writ HTML code to create following output by using definition list . Computer science

Writ HTML code to create following output by using definition  list .

Computer science




<!DOCTYPE html>



            <title>DEFINATION LIST</title>




                        <lh><b><u>computer Science<b></u><lh>


                                    <dt> C++</dt>

<dd><P>c++ is a hihg levle programming language developed by Bjarnestroustrup at bell labs.

c++ adds object oriented features to its predecessors,c.</P></dd>


<dd><p>A data base management system (DBMS) is a computer software application

that interaction with the user other appliction .

and the data base itself to capture and analyze</p></dd>


<dd><p>Information Technology(IT) is the use of any computer ,storage ,networking

 and other physical devices ,information and prosses to create, 

process,store ,soureand exchange

all forms of electronics data</p></dd>









